Q: How old do you need to be in order to register for MV Idol, Jr?
A: This year, we are offering two age groups to perform at our competition.
- Young Stars: ages 8-12
- Teen Stars: ages 13-16
Please note: All contestants must register according to their age on March 29 (the date of our first round) for example if the contestant turns 13 on March 30, they will still compete in the 8-12 group throughout the competition.
Q: Why are you splitting up the ages into two category divisions?
A: These changes aim to:
- Provide a streamlined, professional competition experience
- Educate participants about real-world competition standards
- Increase the value of experience for our participant
- Provide a fairer competition for those competing as they will compete with others closer to their age
Q: How many participants can register for MV Idol, Jr.?
A: We will hold the following spots for 40 participants in total who will move on to Auditions scheduled on March 29:
- 20 spots for ages 8-12 (Young Stars)
- 20 for ages 13-16 (Teen Stars)
- We will also have six additional waitlist spots per age group.
NOTE: If one age group does not reach 20 participants, we may reassign its unused spots to those on the waitlist for the other age group while maintaining 40 participants overall.
Q: Where do I register?
A: Registration opens on Saturday, March 1st, at 9:00 a.m. A registration link will be available from our home page or the MV Idol, Jr. Program page here.
Q: What are the dates?
- Registration - March 1, conducted online.
- Audition—On March 29, times will be emailed to all contestants. The Audition will be held at the Maple Valley Creative Arts Center.
- NEW LOCATION!! Grand Finale - May 30 at 7 p.m. at the Tahoma High School PAC.
Q: Is there an entrance fee to register for MV Idol, Jr.?
A: The entrance fee is $25.00, payable via credit card on the registration website. We also take Venmo and checks. This is due at registration or worked out with our team beforehand.
Q: Can I enter this competition if I won during the previous year?
A: If you have placed first place in a previous MV Idol Jr. competition, you cannot reenter. However, if you placed 2nd place, 3rd place, or People’s Choice in prior years, you may register for the competition again.
Q: I have been placed on the waitlist; do I need to submit music?
A: Yes, all finalists, including those on the waitlist, will send in their track ahead of time and be ready to go if you get a spot at the finals.
NOTE: If you do not provide your song by the deadline, you will forfeit your slot to the next person on the waitlist and will not receive a refund.
Q: What is the cut-off date for registering?
A: March 16th or when all spots are filled, whichever comes first.
Q: Where will the auditions be held?
A: We are holding live auditions on March 29 at 11 a.m. in the Maple Valley Creative Arts Center. The address is: 23220 MV Highway SE, Suite 15, Maple Valley, WA., 98038
Q: Can I play an instrument while singing?
A: Yes
Q: How many songs must I have ready for the First Round?
A: First Round Tracks: Each singer needs two songs ready along with the URL for the track or the mp3s to be submitted by Sunday, March 16th at 5:00 p.m.
Q: Do you need to fill out what two songs you will be singing on the registration form?
A: No but you do have to know soon thereafter so you can send in the tracks by the due date because if you don’t send tracks in by the due date, you are disqualified and your spot goes to someone on the waitlist.
Q: How long of a song do I need to sing?
A. You must prepare two songs for the first round.
- Both songs need to be 4 minutes or less.
- The songs need to be in an acceptable genre. Please take a look at the details below.
- There’s no minimum length, just a maximum length.
- It can be a short song or 4 minutes at the longest.
- Songs sent in that are longer than 4 minutes, either need to have dead space so that we can take some off or please expect us to cut your song off at exactly 4 minutes.
- First Round Tracks will be due Sunday, March 16 @ 5:00 pm
- Judges may request a portion of the second song for evaluation after hearing some of the first song.
Q: I have a question about the tracks to be submitted. Should we record the singer and submit that, or should submit the background music/accompaniment for the song? Also, what is the preferred format for submission?
A: Please provide either a URL link to a karaoke track on YouTube or an MP3 file of the accompaniment only (without the singer).
Q: Will the performer get to sing each song until the 4 minute mark, or only have 4 minutes total to perform both songs
A: The singers will still only sing about 4 minutes long and the judges will decide if they hear the whole first song which the singer chooses or if they stop them in the middle and hear part of the other song.
Q: What song do I sing for the finals?
A: Contestants will select one of their two songs from the first round for the finals. Finalists chosen to go on from Round 1 to the Final Round need to let us know by Saturday, May 17th at 9:00 p.m. which song they will sing at the finals. We will already have the track from the first round.
Q: What type of song is acceptable?
A: Your song needs to be from the following genres: pop, jazz, rock, folk, country, musical theatre, or Disney.
- No classical submissions, no medleys, and no singing an entire piece acapella.
- Please make sure your song has family-friendly lyrics (no explicit language)
- No props (hats are okay), no offstage assistance
- The two songs should ideally be contrasting.
If you are unsure if your song will qualify, please contact Rachel Olson at for approval. Songs must have an accompaniment. You can accompany yourself with an instrument such as a guitar, ukulele, or piano, or you need to have a track ready and send it to us by March 16th for both songs.
Q: How many people can attend my audition with me?
A: CHANGES: THE FIRST ROUND will now be closed to an audience. One parent will be allowed to attend your audition, and the door monitor will let you know when to enter and when to exit. You will need to arrive 15 minutes before your audition time is given to you. Then, you will be invited in, sit in on a few other auditioners, sing, and then you may leave following your audition.
Q: Do I sing both songs in the First round?
A: You will choose what song you start with. The judges will decide if they listen to all 4 minutes or if they cut you off in the middle and hear some of your second song.
Q: Will I receive feedback from the judges in real time after my audition?
A: This is a change this year. No, you will not receive real-time feedback. All feedback from your audition will be emailed to the email on file two weeks after the First Round.
Q: Do I need to bring anything with me to the audition? Bio, Photo headshot, birth certificate?
A: No. However, we will need a headshot and a short bio if you make it to the final round. Be prepared with a headshot and bio to be sent to us by April 15, 2025. We recommend you bring a water bottle and any instrument you use to accompany yourself to the first round. Please warm yourself up ahead of time. There is no rehearsal space for you to warm up in.
Q: After the audition, how soon will we be told if we move on to the live rounds?
A: Within 7 days after the original 1st round.
Q: How many singers out of 40 will go to the live rounds?
A: 15 singers will move on to the final round. This is a change this year. No group number will be at the Final Round, giving room for one more singer. Eight finalists from Teen Stars (13-16 yrs) will attend the Finals. Seven finalists from the Young Stars (8-12yrs)
Q: Where will the First-Round event be held?
A: First Round is on March 29th at Maple Valley Creative Arts Council 23220 Maple Valley Black Diamond Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038.
Q: Where will the live event be held?
A: The Second Round is on May 30th at the Tahoma High School Performing Arts Center, 23499 SE Tahoma Way, Maple Valley, WA 98038- a change from previous years.
Q: If I make it to the live rounds, is there a limit on how many people I can bring with me?
A: Yes. This first round is closed to an audience, but you may bring one adult to your first-round audition. At the Final Round at the Tahoma High School Performing Arts Center, there’s no limit to how many people can attend the final event on May 30th.
Q: For those who make it to the live rounds, will there be time to practice at the venue for the event?
A: There will be no prior practice for the first round. You'll need to practice at home. Like an audition, you come and perform without practice at the venue beforehand, so we recommend you warm up before the timeslot you are given. However, for the 2nd round/finals round, you must come early to to a mic check and run through your song once beforehand. Please be available by 4:45pm on May 30th.
Q: How will we receive further communications, and from whom?
A: Rachel Olson be informing the contestants that are registered along the way through this process. Ms. Olson will send a welcome email, an email with your timeslot for the first round, judge’s comments via email following the first round (not second round), an email reminding of tracks due, and an email for the finals round with your timeslot to arrive. If you make it through the first round to the second, get prepared to send a good quality picture and bio to Ms. Olson.
Q: What are the prizes for the winners at the Finals?
A: Cash prizes and performance opportunities for Finalists:
-Teen Stars: $100 (1st), $75 (2nd)
-Young Stars: $75 (1st), $50 (2nd)
-People’s Choice Award: $50
All five winners will sing at Maple Valley Arts Fest and MV Farmers Market.
Q: How does my business become a Sponsor for this event and get my logo in the program for the finals?
A: Sponsors can contribute through monetary donations (Gold: $150, Silver: $100, Bronze: $50) or volunteer time to administration. Gift certificates from studios will no longer be part of the prize structure. Sponsors will be listed on the finals program first by the level in which they donate. If donations are given in the same amount - the earlier we receive them, the earlier they are listed in the program. That way, if someone wants to have their logo listed higher than others, they should get it sooner. For those who give time to the event, we will multiply the time by $10.00 to determine their donation level.