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Sponsoring the Arts in Maple Valley is EASY!


(Individuals / Family / Businesses)

$250 per year

Benefits include: Annual Membership, Two Membership Cards, Special Discounts at Local Retailers and Businesses, Two Arts Fest Gala Tickets, Two Fall Gala Tickets, Buy-one-Get-one Performance Tickets, Events Sponsorship for Businesses including name and logo recognition in print and press materials and links to your website, Special Invitations to Member-Only Events


(Individuals / Family / Businesses)

$500 per year

Benefits include: Annual Membership, Four Membership Cards, Special Discounts at Local Retailers and Businesses, Four Arts Fest Gala Tickets, Four Fall Gala Tickets, Buy-one-Get-one Performance Tickets plus Two Complimentary Tickets to the Performance of Your Choice, Events Sponsorship for Businesses including name and logo recognition in print and press materials and links to your website, Special Invitations to Member-Only Events


(Individuals / Family / Businesses)

$1,000+ per year

Benefits include: Annual Membership, Four Membership Cards, Special Discounts at Local Retailers and Businesses, Six Arts Fest Gala Tickets, Six Fall Gala Tickets, Buy-one-Get-one Performance Tickets plus Four Complimentary Tickets to the Performance of Your Choice, Private Behind-The-Scenes Tour of Paint By Tunnels, Events Sponsorship for Businesses including name and logo recognition in print and press materials and links to your website, Special Invitations to Member-Only Events.

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4Culture logo KCo logo    2021 Maple Valley Logo   
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.      flynn logo 2         qfc logo          2021 Haeger Ortho

2021 Ankie Dana logo                       2021 ArtsFund      

2021 WA State Dept of Commerce    2021 ArtsWA        2021 NEA logo horizontal          

              Edward Jones          
